uditors Ross Gorey and Jack Counihan hosted an innovative new debate for young debaters in the school in the form of a knock-out beginners’ debate for First Years.
Sixteen speakers took part in the competition over two weeks and the final saw the government benches, Isobel Keane, Kate O’Sullivan, Hannah Bogue and Amy O’Gorman take on the opposition benches, Eidhne Kennedy, Oliver Kelly, Aaron De Burca, and Alice MacMahon. The competition was won by Eidhne Kennedy (Best speaker) and Kate O’Sullivan (Runner-Up best speaker). The government won the debate and the bill deemed passed. Cian Gleeson was Ceann Comhairle and All-Ireland finalists Ross Gorey, Jack Counihan and Frank O’Neill (ex-pupil) presided as Attorney-Generals in adjudication.